Invata, Share, Grow.

Flexible Learning Platform for Enterprises

Unique Learning Platform
For Enterprises

Learn with self-learning and live stream courses by top companies

Share your company's experience with your clients, partners and network

Grow your business with new revenue stream


Self-Paced Learning

Our e-learning courses allow you to enjoy a self-paced training schedule. You can attend according to your own time, being easier to incorporate learning @work in your busy life.

ISO Certification
GENERAL DESCRIPTION This course includes e-Learning with audio description (EN)+ 1/2 day  discussion with trainer (RO/EN) The course focuses on int...
112 Lectures
Performance management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview The desired results are achieve...
Leadership - Essential skills
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Innovation is a critical compon...
Leadership - Essential skills
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview There are more women leaders no...
Performance management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Successful businesses see the d...
Management of technical teams
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Effective team leadership in th...
Strategic thinking
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Risk is a normal fact for compa...
Leadership - Essential skills
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Leaders should strive to commun...


What would you like to you learn today?

Our live trainings combine the advantages of in-class training and e-learning. You study remotely, but lessons are delivered in real-time by our expert trainers. Communicate with trainers and other trainees through chats and comments in dynamic sessions that encourage debate and allow immediate answers to your questions.


What would you like to you learn today?

Our e-learning courses allow you to enjoy a self-paced training schedule. You can attend according to your own time, being easier to incorporate learning @work in your busy life.

Company One Courses

Compliance powered by Deloitte
24 min
Warum sollten Sie diesen Kurs besuchen? Die Schulung “Betrugsprävention” ist eine vertiefte Beschreibung der Präventionsmethoden und -m...
6 Lectures
24 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
24 min
Descrierea cursului: Prezenta sesiune de instruire este dedicată investigațiilor interne ce țin de aria AML/CFT, fiind structurată în două capitole...
4 Lectures
24 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
17 min
Course Description: This training covers aspects of the key elements of an AML/CFT program, the compliance culture, and the role of senior manageme...
3 Lectures
17 min
Compliance powered by Deloitte
50 min
De ce să urmați acest curs: Formarea de conștientizare Anti-Mită și Anticorupție este concepută pentru a ajuta participantul în dobândirea unei mai...
9 Lectures
50 min


What would you like to you learn today?

Our e-learning courses allow you to enjoy a self-paced training schedule. You can attend according to your own time, being easier to incorporate learning @work in your busy life.

Train your subsidiaries, franchisees, clients and partners
with full support and autonomy

Join us as a teaching company; we build your self-contained training area on DB Academy and you create a new value  and revenue stream for your enterprise.

Almost no business can function without help of a partner. whether it’s supplier, distributor, franchisee, subsidiary or client.

Protect your company’s overall performance by delivering and tracking to your partners by disseminating correct information and knowledge to all parties in a timely manner.


Register as Individual

For those who are individual learners, team members of a business, business professionals.



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Register as Business

Business Leaders / HR Responsibilities / Other company representatives who want to upskill employees.



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Register as Partner

For companies which want to colobrate with DB Academy and publish educational content for their customers.



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