Managing disputes in customer relations

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Achieving service excellence is very difficult when dealing with angry customers. By following a few simple techniques to avoid confrontation, you can manage difficult customer relationships and design high quality customer service (CS). In this course, you will learn about typical issues when dealing with angry customers and conflict avoidance guidelines. You will also learn how to handle a customer complaint by easing the tension, investigating the problem, and reaching a consensus on a solution.



• Recognize examples of guidelines for taking responsibility for customer complaints

• Matching boundary errors in customer service with strategies to prevent them

• Matching types of rudeness in customer service with strategies to avoid them

• Recognizing guidelines for mitigating frustration a client

• identify strategies for investigating client complaints

• recapitulate guidelines for reaching consensus in resolving issues with a client

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Video 00:17:31
Level Introductory

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