Providing quality services to internal customers

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


When you help other people in the company to do their job better, you provide in-house customer service. Often, the quality of that service has a huge impact on the overall quality of customer service (CS) provided to external customers. In this course, you will learn about the types of internal customers and how to identify relationships with internal customers. You will also learn about the importance of knowing your internal customers, identifying their expectations of you, and acting on those expectations. At the end, you will learn the guidelines for ensuring excellence in internal customer service.



• Recognize internal customers and internal customer service providers in a particular example

• Recognize the importance of identifying relationships with internal customer service

• Recap the benefits of identifying and knowing internal customers

• Identifying examples of techniques used to identify mutual expectations with internal customers

• examples of guidelines for action and collection of feedback from internal customers

• recapitulation of guidelines for the provision of services for internal customers

• recognition of actions that demonstrate an attitude in services for internal customers

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Video 00:20:46
Level Introductory

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