How to reach customers digitally

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Every company knows that in order to attract new customers and retain existing ones, they need to be able to take advantage of the opportunities that the internet offers. To achieve this market goal, you need an effective digital marketing strategy. In this course, you will learn about digital communication strategies that will help you communicate with your customers. You will explore the digital marketing channel that can persuade your customers to move beyond the consideration of your product or service. to that of the actual acquisition. In addition, you will learn about digital marketing planning and the role of social media in marketing.


Target Audience

Anyone wishing to participate in the planning of digital marketing initiatives for organizations of any size.



  • Using Digital Marketing for Customer Communication
  • Recognizing the Types of Marketing Communication in Action
  • Summarizing the Importance of Zero Truth in digital marketing
  • recognizing the types of channels and marketing activities associated with each stage of the digital marketing channel
  • summarizing the stages of a digital marketing planning effort
  • summarizing the benefits and concerns of social media marketing
  • recognizing the value of different types of social networking in a digital marketing strategy
  • use digital marketing within your organization.
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Course details
Video 00:18:01
Level Introductory

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