Difficult people - Strategies for maintaining collaboration

DB Academy
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Communicating in difficult situations

Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Although it is best to train yourself to be able to cope with difficult people – that is, to manage your own emotions and use self-management techniques – there are strategies and interpersonal skills that you need. when working in a team with difficult people. In this course, you will learn strategies for managing difficult people, which involves redirecting their behavior to your work goals. You will find ways to work effectively with negative people, providing appropriate feedback when needed. You will also learn how to make your work with difficult people more productive by managing conflicts in a professional manner.



  • Recognize interpersonal strategies that help you work with difficult people
  • Choose basic rules that will help redirect difficult people’s behavioral styles
  • Direct difficult behavior toward desired goals
  • Choose the right time and conditions to provide effective feedback
  • Identify appropriate strategies for providing feedback
  • taking the right steps to manage conflict with a difficult person
  • using interpersonal skills and strategies when working with difficult people
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Video 00:18:38
Level Introductory

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