Difficult people - You can't change them, so change yourselves

DB Academy
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Communicating in difficult situations

Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


It would be easy to say that in order to manage difficult people you should be tolerant and accept differences between people. It sounds good, and it might work in the short term, but if you work with people you find difficult and expect to work with them for a period of time – it would be more helpful to learn how to react and relate to them. . The approach you use depends on your person, situation, and willingness to develop and combine the skills you need. To deal with difficult people, you must first learn how to deal with them. This means self-awareness and the practice of self-management. It also means adapting to the feelings and emotions of others, no matter how difficult it may be. When you know what triggers you and how you usually react, you can develop skills that will help you to have more productive interactions with others. This is emotional intelligence and if you develop this ability, you will be able to manage many of life’s difficulties (including other people) in a much more effective way!



  • Recognize how your own perspective can reshape your perspective on difficult people
  • Identify actions to increase self-awareness
  • Identify reactions that show self-awareness
  • Recognize signs that signal the need for self-management
  • Choose reactions that reflect meditative techniques
  • choosing reactions that reflect thinking techniques
  • identifying one’s own behavioral style and that of others
  • choosing appropriate behavior to overcome negative behaviors
  • using self-awareness and self-management techniques to have more effective professional relationships with difficult people
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Video 00:22:11
Level Introductory

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