Emotional intelligence - Development of self-management skills

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Probably the most important skill involved in Emotional Intelligence is self-management. This usually comes after self-awareness … when you notice an emotion. What can happen is that an emotional reaction takes its own form, is hijacked or worsens in a reaction that is difficult to control. With self-management skills, prevent this situation from the beginning and control the inner interpretations and outer behaviors associated with intense emotions. Not only are you self-managing at this point, but you’re starting to adjust how you usually react to things that irritate you. Develop a proactive approach to emotional intelligence – first with your awareness and then a natural flow in self-management. Another reason why self-management is so important is that at the same time, the relational part of emotional intelligence tends to have a better flow. Begin to appreciate the difficulty of controlling your emotional impulses and become more empathetic and patient with others.



Implementing Emotional Self-Management Techniques


Target Audience

Anyone Who Wants to Develop Emotional Intelligence Skills

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Video 00:21:35
Level Introductory

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