Emotional intelligence - Awareness of the emotions of others

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


You cannot achieve results by focusing only on yourself. Work consists of groups, teams, relationships, and networks. And organizational dynamics, interpersonal relationships and diversity of personality styles will constantly challenge your emotional intelligence. Your ability to interact with and influence others, especially when emotions reach high levels, is very much based on your ability to be aware of yourself and to manage yourself. The more you work with yourself, the better your ability to relate to others. When you are good at raising awareness, your focus is on the other person or people, while you are also managing your own person.



  • Identify work activities that are based on emotional awareness
  • Identify the characteristics of emotional awareness in others
  • Identify the use of emotionally intelligent listening skills
  • React empathetically to another person
  • Use emotional intelligence to make others aware of emotions
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Video 00:22:50
Level Introductory

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