Adapting a conflict approach style

DB Academy
3 Students enrolled
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Communicating in difficult situations

Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


All people have their own unique personality style. At the same time, they have a preferred style of dealing with conflicts. Do you avoid conflict? Or do you take the initiative in a conflict situation? Maybe you have a more cooperative approach? When we work with other people who have different styles and when we face different situations of conflict, we all have to adapt. In this course, you will learn about different styles of conflict, including when and how to use them. You will learn about the importance of adapting your style in response to the styles of others and the specific situation in which you find yourself. Finally, you will learn how to approach a difficult person in a conflict situation.



  •  Recognize the most commonly used conflicting styles in the workplace
  • Adapt personal style to your needs in response to other conflicting styles you encounter
  • Choose the most appropriate conflict style for a specific situation
  • Follow guidelines for approaching a person difficult in a conflict situation
  • use conflicting styles effectively
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Video 00:19:32
Level Introductory

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