Coaching techniques that stimulate change

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Training is by definition action-oriented. This is the main thing that differentiates her from counseling. At this point in the training process, the instructor and the trainee will agree on and co-create the Strategic Action Plan, which defines the purpose and activities that the trainee will work on during the rest of the process. The techniques covered in this course will provide the learner with the tools needed to drive from the shadows from the instructor position. Shadow leadership provides guidance through careful observation and communication techniques that help guide the discovery, self-awareness, revelations, and “aha” moments of the trained person. Continuing progress, maintaining the course and creating detours characterize the activity of the instructor in this phase. These are accomplished through training tactics that include asking questions, listening, observing, and challenging.



  • Select relevant questions to get to the heart of a training conversation
  • Identify the elements of effective listening in training sessions
  • Set expectations for a training observation with a trained person
  • Use challenge to extend what a trained person thinks is possible
  • Support effective training sessions by asking questions, listening, observing, and challenging
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Video 00:17:40
Level Intermediate

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