Coaching to attract performance

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


It is a proven fact that the desired results are achieved faster under the guidance of a Personal Trainer. When an instructor works to improve performance, the trained person is responsible for doing what he says he will do and wants to do. This phase of training commitment is called the “responsibility phase” in training. It is also the phase in which what “should” be done comes to the surface – the things that the trained person subconsciously follows, instead of the real aspirations. This “should” comes from outside the trainee and at this stage needs to be addressed, either by eliminating it or by developing a way to manage it. Towards the end of this phase, the trained person is on the right track and it is time to “fire” his instructor. The instructor is no longer needed because the purpose of the job is to create the desired result for the trained person. The instructor must be able to identify that pending conclusion of the commitment and prepare the trained person for the sustainability of performance using training tactics.



  • to ask questions to guide the trainee in assessing progress
  • to guide the trainee back to the right path when faced with pretexts and procrastination
  • to recognize signs that it is time to end the training commitment
  • to assist the trainee to assess progress towards achievement goals and support for improved performance and the end of the training commitment
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Video 00:15:41
Level Intermediate

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