Efficient and productive note taking

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Competency in note-taking can make you more productive at work. Writing notes in written communication also provides an effective recording that you can recite when you need it. In this course, you will learn about grammar methods, techniques, and strategies for effective note-taking during meetings and interviews. You will also learn how to take notes, which can help you learn and memorize information to make it easier for others to share.



• Choose the appropriate methods and techniques for efficient note-taking at work

• Recognize useful actions for productive note-taking during meetings

• Identify the rules for the correct and efficient conduct of a meeting minute

• Identify the rules for efficient note-taking during interviews

• identify the rules for taking notes to help you memorize information in a written text more effectively

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Video 00:19:30
Level Introductory

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