Diplomacy and tact in difficult situations

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


The ability to interact with diplomacy and tact facilitates the daily routine in any workplace. But at every job there are times when the daily routine is disrupted by an event, a situation or a task that creates discomfort. At some point in our careers, we may all face some very specific communication challenges, such as dealing with a difficult person or someone we simply don’t get along with, the need to address a delicate situation by email. or correcting a person in a position of power, such as a boss or a client. These are the moments when your ability to practice diplomacy and tact will help you. In this course, you will examine the techniques of navigating difficult professional relationships, creating diplomatic and tactful e-mails, approaching angry colleagues, and managing manipulative or intimidating people.



  • Identify strategies for working with an unfriendly or difficult colleague
  • Identify techniques for composing a difficult email with tact and diplomacy
  • Identify examples of strategies for dealing with angry people
  • Apply strategies for dealing with manipulative people
  • Identify strategies for correcting a superior or a client
  • using diplomacy and tact in a difficult situation
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Video 00:16:36
Level Introductory

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