Diplomacy and tact in everyday interactions

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Imagine a world where people always say what they think without filtering their ideas. This is a world where a colleague tells you at lunch break that you have a piece of salad between your teeth, that you know at a team meeting that a project has been postponed because you forgot to send an email, or that your colleagues your eyes roll when you ask them a question that they consider very trivial. This is a world without diplomacy and tact. Using tact and diplomacy is important when engaging in difficult conversations, but these skills are just as important in our day-to-day activities. People who communicate with diplomacy and tact will be noted for their ability to interact with people at all organizational levels in a way that inspires confidence and trust.

In this course, you will learn about diplomacy and tact, the differences between them, and their value in a professional context. You will also learn about situational awareness, how to choose the right words to avoid a crisis situation, and how to apologize.



  • Identify examples of skills that demonstrate diplomacy and tact
  • Identify examples of methods for developing situational awareness
  • Apply communication skills to alleviate a crisis situation
  • Identify methods by which you can apologize gracefully
  • Demonstrate specific skills in diplomacy and tact
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Video 00:17:59
Level Introductory

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