From objection to opportunity in the sale proposal

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


In a sales environment where customers are knowledgeable, well-connected, and knowledgeable, sales professionals need to come to meetings fully prepared to meet educated buyers and any challenges. To address the challenges of this new type of customer, your sales methods must accept questions, objections, and resilience, interpret them correctly, what they are – opportunities -, and be prepared with the sales skills to deal with them. capitalize. This course is designed to provide you with the sales essentials you need to prepare for objections that may arise during sales calls. We will discuss techniques for managing questions, objections, and resistance.



• Recognize ways to respond to psychological reasons behind client resistance

• Differentiate between questions, objections, and resistance

• Identify tips for responding to objections with empathy and understanding

• Identify effective listening and questioning methods to manage client objections

• Identify management strategies of price-based objections

• identifying techniques for advancing the sales process despite objections

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Video 00:20:55
Level Introductory

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