Designing PowerPoint Effect Presentations

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


In order to be effective, a presentation must draw the public’s attention and convey a compelling message. In this course, you’ll learn the design principles for creating compelling PowerPoint 2016 presentations. You’ll also learn how to make sure your message is clear and compelling, and how to use sound, images, color, and style to optimize your visual impact. This course is one of a series of Skillsoft learning pathways that covers best practices in using PowerPoint 2016.



  • Describe how to design and present an effective PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • Identify tools design and additional PowerPoint 2016 presentation features for quick design
  • Description of the presentation process when designing PowerPoint 2016 presentations
  • Recognition of the role of the presenter in effectively supporting the content of a PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • Application of design principles that help ensure long-term retention of your message in PowerPoint 2016
  • Create a clear message and build credibility in a PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • Recognize how to present a message clearly and effectively in a PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • Fully engage and convince your audience when you give a PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • Description of how the brain processes visual information and what it means for effective slide design in PowerPoint 2016
  • Effective use of sounds and images in PowerPoint 2016 presentations
  • Use of guidance, alignment, and grouping to create a professional PowerPoint 2016 presentation
  • Use color to increase the effectiveness of PowerPoint 2016 presentations
  • Apply consistent styles to PowerPoint 2016 slides
  • Identify Gestalt principles and how visual information is received by people
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Video 00:37:20
Level Introductory

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