People and marketing planning

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


An effective marketing strategy requires time and money. It is essential to do everything right and this requires proper marketing planning. The elements of the traditional marketing conglomerate form important strategic fundamental elements of any marketing activity. However, this traditional marketing conglomerate does not address two very important aspects of marketing: planning and people. In this course, you will learn about strategic and tactical planning and the types of market research that support it. You will be introduced to the basics of budgeting for, developing, executing and evaluating a marketing plan. And you will learn how companies can involve all their employees in developing their own marketing roles.



  • Recognize the differences between strategic and tactical marketing plans
  • Identify the benefits of strategic marketing planning
  • Describe the difference between quantitative and qualitative market research
  • Match discretionary marketing costs to their budget categories
  • Recognize the principles of developing and executing a marketing plan
  • identify how your marketing plan works
  • recognize how companies can include employees in the marketing conglomerate
  • recognize the roles of planning and people in the marketing conglomerate
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Video 00:21:07
Level Introductory

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