Personnel management - Employee involvement

DB Academy
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HR certifications

Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Employee involvement is the personal and professional commitment that employees make to the organization and its goals. For human resources professionals, it is a planned effort to link the common interests of employees and the organization to their mutual benefit. Specifically, it is an employee relationship strategy that enhances employees’ personal investments, which leads to increased employee satisfaction and organizational productivity. In this course, you will learn about key concepts and practices associated with employee involvement. You will also learn how to assess the level of involvement and analyze measures to overcome behavioral and organizational issues to encourage employee involvement. The content of this course is based on the Competence and Knowledge Corps (BoCK), 2015 of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). While the course helps students prepare for the SHRM-CP / SCP certification exams, it is equally useful for HR professionals who want to develop skills to improve their workplace efficiency and career advancement.




  • Sequencing the steps of an employee involvement process
  • Identifying the cultural determinants of employee involvement
  • Identifying methods for assessing employee involvement used by the UK
  • Applying formulas for measuring employee involvement
  • Demonstrating understanding of how to assess and measure employee involvement
  • Recognizing the role UK in behavior and discipline management
  • correlating the steps in a disciplinary process with examples
  • recognizing when to use different ADR dispute resolution options
  • demonstrating an understanding of how to effectively manage behavioral and disciplinary issues
  • recognizing how to build employee involvement at every stage of the work life cycle
  • recognizing effective engagement strategies that the UK can apply in a given scenario
  • distinguishing between different theories about motivation and involvement
  • identifying the components of the performance management system
  • recognizing the stages in the individual employee evaluation processes
  • demonstrating an understanding of the strategies used to motivate and involve employees
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Video 00:51:22
Level Introductory

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