Efficient management during difficult times

DB Academy
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Management - Essential skills

Important to know:

The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.



Most companies will eventually face difficult times and your role as a manager is vital at this time. Your subordinates will depend on your leadership to help you support them, and avoiding harsh conversations can only make matters worse.

In this course, you will learn specific strategies for overcoming difficult times, including ways to cost reduction, how to have difficult conversations with employees and provide support and what alternatives to consider before firing staff. For situations where there is no other option, you will learn how to plan and implement staff reductions in the best way and how to convey the difficult message. You will also learn about the opportunities you can use to strengthen your organization during difficult times.



• Recognize strategies for responding to difficult times
• Recognize how to get employee involvement to reduce costs_During difficult times_ recognizing measures to reduce staff costs as an alternative to redundancies appropriate to communicate redundancy decisions to employees
• recognizing opportunities to strengthen an organization during difficult times

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Video 00:16:42
Level Introductory

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