Implementation of transformational HR

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


In an ideal world, the tasks of your UK department are defined and aligned with your organization’s goals. The UK department has a place on the executive board, helping to establish and implement strategy throughout the organization, and all of the UK’s day-to-day activities – such as recruitment, employee management and succession planning – support the organizational strategy. These are transformational human resources. In this course, you will learn about the difference between a traditional transactional HR department and a transformational HR department and the importance of involving human resources in organizational strategy. The course also describes how to make your role as a UK more transformative and how to educate management on the importance of a strategic partnership with the UK to optimize your employees.



• defining a Transformational HR department

• recognizing the ways in which the tasks of a transactional HR can be transformed into transformational

• identifying tactics for the HR department to become a transformational one

• describing the role of the HR in defining and implementing organizational strategy

• recognizing examples of ways to streamline transactional human resources

• recognition of arguments that could help secure the management buy-in for the transformational UK department

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Video 00:16:49
Level Introductory

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