Building better applications through microservice architecture

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


With the advancement of digital innovation, the architecture of micro-services is becoming the default style for the development of corporate applications. Designing micro-service applications gives companies more freedom, flexibility and resilience than designing with traditional architecture. Adopting a micro-services architecture helps companies develop applications that are more scalable and error-tolerant. In this course, you will learn about micro-services, including the elements of micro-service architecture and the many benefits it offers to application designers. You will also learn about the disadvantages of traditional monolithic architecture and the potential disadvantages of micro-service architecture. You will also learn about the features of micro-service architecture, as well as its benefits and disadvantages.



• identify the elements of micro-service architecture

• identify the disadvantages of traditional monolithic architecture

• identify the advantages of design freedom offered by micro-services architecture

• identify the advantages in terms of flexibility offered by micro-services architecture

• identify the advantages of resilience offered micro -services

• identify the potential disadvantages of using the micro-services architecture

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Video 00:21:36
Level Introductory

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