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Automotive Core Tools
GENERAL DESCRIPTION This course includes e-Learning with audio description (EN)+ 1/2 day  discussion with trainer (RO/EN) The goal of MSA is to bet...
70 Lectures
Automotive Core Tools
General Description This course includes e-Learning with audio description (EN)+ 1/2 day discussion with trainer (RO/EN) Advanced Product Quality P...
96 Lectures
Automotive Core Tools
€750 €660
798 Lectures
€750 €660
Automotive Core Tools
8 hours
GENERAL DESCRIPTION This course includes e-Learning with audio description (EN)+ 1/2 day  discussion with trainer (RO/EN) Process Failure Mode and ...
76 Lectures
8 hours
Automotive Core Tools
€99 €79
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Production Part Approval Process (PPAP). The purpose of PPAP is that: all records related to the technological design and requi...
86 Lectures
€99 €79
Automotive Core Tools
€99 €69
GENERAL DESCRIPTION Maturity Level Assurance for New Parts (MLA). MLA  help to improve the quality of new product launches, deliveries and products...
64 Lectures
€99 €69
Automotive Core Tools
GENERAL DESCRIPTION This course includes e-Learning with audio description (EN)+ 1/2 day  discussion with trainer (RO/EN) The SPC manual of AIAG de...
87 Lectures
Automotive Core Tools
€79 €59
GENERAL DESCRIPTION This course includes e-Learning with audio description (EN)+ 1/2 day discussion with trainer (RO/EN) Control Plan (CP). The pur...
44 Lectures
€79 €59

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