Reconciling diversity

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Without a diverse workforce, the organization runs the risk of seeing things from a limited perspective. The organization provides the operating structure, but the people in that organization accomplish its mission. In order to get the most innovative solutions from people in your organization, you need to create a job that encourages inclusion and avoids subjectivity and stereotypes. This course focuses on what diversity means and how we can capitalize on diversity within the organization. You will also explore existing barriers, such as subconscious subjectivity, that need to be overcome to create a diverse and inclusive work environment. Level of Expertise All Persons Field of Study Personnel / Human Resources



  • identify key concepts of diversity in the workplace fit the approaches used by organizations to manage diversity with appropriate actions identify how companies can benefit from encouraging diversity
  • recognize the way in which prejudices and stereotypes can cause barriers for employees in the workplace,
  • recognize the implications of cultural expectations for diversity in the workplace,
  • identify reasons why organizations may face resistance to diversity in the workplace
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Video 00:19:04
Level Introductory

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