Sending emails to the right people

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Sending an email to the wrong person, or excluding the right person, makes it difficult to communicate effectively and is a sign of poor email usage. Because e-mail is so important to the way organizations do business today, writing e-mails effectively – and sending them to the right people – is one of the most important communication skills you need to have. In this course, you will learn a vital facet of written communication: how to address and distribute emails. You’ll learn about best practices for deciding who to send emails to and how to mark emails appropriately.

The course also covers the appropriate etiquette for forwarding emails and using reply and reply functions to all. In addition, it highlights some inappropriate copying practices that should be avoided.



• Identify recommendations for using the Recipient field when sending emails

• Proper use of Cc and Bcc fields in an email

• Properly prioritize emails

• Recognize how to respond effectively to emails

• Identify best practices for forwarding emails

• Recognize examples of when it is inappropriate to copy an email over someone’s head

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Video 00:19:47
Level Introductory

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