Strategicization and management of social networks

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Familiarizing yourself with the features that many common social networking services offer and how they can be leveraged is essential to a successful business presence on the Internet. In this course, you will learn about popular social networking services and what they have to offer in a business context. You will also learn about defining a social networking strategy and managing your social media presence.



  •  Choose social networking services for business purposes
  • Recognize and work with common social networking features on Facebook and Twitter
  • Identify and use common social networking features on Google+ and LinkedIn
  • Recognize and work with common social networking features on Pinterest and Tumblr
  • Identify and use common social networking features in Vine, Instagram, and Flickr
  • Recognize and work with common social networking features in YouTube, Periscope, and Meerkat
  • Define a basic social networking strategy based on business requirements
  • identify best practices for promoting business through social media
  • describe best business practices for managing the social networking community
  • compare common social media management tools
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Video 00:48:17
Level Introductory

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