Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.
Mastering the program and budget of a project Once the object of a project has been clearly defined and all the necessary tasks have been identified, it is time to carry out more detailed estimation and planning activities. Based on all the information from the start-up phase, you now need to define how long and how much money you need to complete the objectives and complete the project. In this course, you will learn how to develop the program and cost benchmarks and how to use them to monitor and measure performance throughout the project.
• Recognize how to use methods to make project time and cost estimates
• Recognize the terminology used when creating a project network diagram
• Describe how to create a project program
• Determine a project budget
• Recognize mandatory milestones and options for a project
• Explain how to use project data for performance evaluation
• Recognize the stages of creating and monitoring the project program and cost benchmarks