Initiation of the project

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


To be honest, if you don’t know why you’re doing a particular project and who supports it, you’re headed for failure. At the beginning of each project, you and your team members should make sure that the purpose of the project is clear, that management will support this action, and that those involved have been identified. Then you can determine what the requirements of the project are and what activities need to be done to meet certain deadlines – all the ingredients needed to define, clarify the project and guide it to a successful completion. In this course, you will learn more about the importance of clarifying the main elements of the project at the beginning, as well as how to identify the key people for the project. You will also learn how to collect project requirements, clarify project scope, and set deadlines.



  • to clarify the main elements of the project
  • to identify the key people for a project
  • to follow the steps of a process to define the project requirements
  • to divide the project deliverables to clarify the scope
  • to identify the mandatory and optional terminals for a project
  • to go through the necessary steps for the successful initiation of the project
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Video 00:25:39
Level Introductory

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