Selection of applicants - The first step in hiring the best

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.



Selecting Applicants – The First Step in Hiring the Best Talent management starts with hiring the right person for the job. Examining candidates is very demanding and many of the related activities are done before the actual interview. This course covers how to create a job description, which will help you effectively evaluate a candidate’s resume. You will learn the main techniques for examining resumes based on professional requirements and how to identify warning signs in resumes and how to approach them. These techniques will help you recruit and hire the right candidates.



• Identify the elements of an effective job analysis

• Recognize the main components of a good job description

• Select candidates through a detailed examination process

• Recognize time-saving techniques for examining CVs

• Identify warning signs in the CV

• matching the warning signs in the CVs with the categories used to underline them

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Video 00:20:48
Level Introductory

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