Conducting an effective job interview

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


The process of interviewing candidates for a position can be difficult. How do you know who to recruit? An effective interview is essential for hiring the most suitable candidate for the job description. Certain steps need to be followed to ensure that the interviewer handles the interview well. In this course, you will learn how to prepare, support, and evaluate the right job interview for the right role.



• There is no objective for this course overview

• Identifying an example of appropriate interview preparation

• Identifying the types of questions used to obtain information about the candidate

• Identifying guidelines for conducting an effective interview

• Identifying the qualities to be assessed in order to determine a good candidate for employment

• analyze what you have learned

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Video 00:15:18
Level Introductory

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