Take a deep breath and manage stress

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


When you are constantly adding things to a list that never ends, you feel overwhelmed at work and at home and feel that your health and relationships are being adversely affected, you may be stressed. Stress is caused by one’s own feelings and reactions to certain external events and not by the events themselves. However, although you can’t always control the events that cause stress by applying mindfulness techniques, you can control your reactions to them.

This course explains the physiological, behavioral, and psychological signs and symptoms of stress and their origins. The course outlines strategies for maintaining work-life balance and stress management. The course also covers ways to change your reactions to stress and turn them into positive reactions and how to use relaxation and mindfulness techniques so that you can focus better.



  • Recognize how stress can adversely affect your health
  • Recognize the main concepts of stress
  • Identify the main features and symptoms of burnout
  • Recognize examples of actions and strategies for managing stress and preventing burnout
  • Ordering stage model ABC used to control stress
  • Use the ABC model to manage the reaction to a stressful situation and solve irrational thoughts
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Video 00:17:58
Level Introductory

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