PowerPoint 365 - Improve presentation design

DB Academy
3 Students enrolled
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


This 11-part course explores ways you can enhance the look and feel of a presentation in the Office 365 PowerPoint application by using different colors, themes, and design elements. Colors can highlight a slide or a portion of a slide, and in this course you will learn how to use the Customize colors feature. You will learn how to use the Draw functions to annotate or draw in a slide. Next, you’ll learn how to create custom and engaging titles using WordArt. PowerPoint themes have certain default elements, such as font and text size, or colors and wallpapers. You will learn how to insert your own elements in the presentation. You will learn how to create your own theme, how to save it and how to apply it in another presentation. You’ll also learn how to use the Designer feature to apply a new style to a presentation. Finally, the course will demonstrate the methods by which the Text Orientation feature can be used to change the appearance of text on a slide. Objectives • Add colors to a presentation to highlight elements or change the overall look of inserted elements • Create custom colors for text and elements • Use the Text Orientation function to change the rotation and orientation of text • Apply presentation themes • creating a custom presentation theme • changing the presentation background • creating a custom background using text and images on your computer or the Internet • using the Designer function to add and reformat the style of a presentation • accessing and using the Drawing function • inserting and customizing a WordArt title and converting existing text into a WordArt title • customizing text effects applied to a WordArt title

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Video 00:48:07
Level Introductory

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