Project participants and organization

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Project-oriented and organized operations have become a standard in today’s business world. In essence, almost every job is a project in itself, from building a building to creating and delivering a new information management system. As projects become more and more the main way to get things moving and change in an organization, choosing a good and proven way to manage them is crucial. However, projects cannot be properly managed in a “silo-minded” company. Each aspect of the project is influenced by the organization, social environment, internal and external participants, as well as other aspects related to the context in which the project takes place. Understanding this context is essential for a good project planning and decision-making process as the project progresses towards its objectives.

This course provides an overview of project management as a subject described in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fourth Edition, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI®). More specifically, it presents the characteristics of a project, the responsibilities that accompany project management as well as the differences between portfolios, programs and projects. The course will identify key project management terms and concepts, explore PMBOK® areas of knowledge, and provide information on variables that can influence project outcomes. It will also address issues related to project participants and organizational influences on it. The course provides theoretical knowledge based on the latest information in the field of project management so that students can effectively apply the principles within their own organizations. Course participants will be assisted in preparing for the PMBOK® certification exam.

The course is in line with the Project Management Standard (PMBOK® Guide – Fourth Edition), published by PMI®, Inc., 2008. Copyright and all rights reserved. The materials contained in this publication have been reproduced with the consent of PMI®.

Target audience Project managers who want to obtain PMPA® certification in recognition of their skills and experience or who want to become PMIA® accredited project managers.


  • Project participants and organization
  • Match project participants with their roles. a specific project
  • Identify the key responsibilities of a project manager towards participants
  • Group organizational participants with their interests in a project.
  • Identify how some organizational attributes can influence a project
  • Identify the organizational attributes that influence projects
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Video 00:41:06
Level Introductory

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