A general understanding of process groups

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Processes: a set of interconnected actions and activities performed to achieve a specific set of products, results, or services. Good processes, ie those based on sound principles and proven practices, are a project manager’s best friends. Their role is similar to that of the rails that make the train go in the desired direction. Following a set of pre-established processes reduces the risk of confusion and uncertainty for both the project manager and everyone involved in the project. They ensure the efficient running of the project from start to finish.

In this course, students will review the project management process groups as defined in the Project Management Knowledge Base Guide (PMBOK®) – Fourth Edition, published by the Project Management Institute (PMI®). Specifically, students will learn more about the following groups of project management processes: Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Control, Completion. Students will also learn about how process groups interact with 9 disciplines: Project Integration Management, Project Impact Area Management, Project Time Management, Project Cost Management, Project Quality Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management, Management project risk and project supply management. 

This course provides a grounded knowledge base that reflects the most up-to-date information on project management so that learners can easily apply the principles learned in their organizations. This course can also be used to support students in preparing for the PMBOK® certification exam. This course is in accordance with the PMBOK® Guide – Fourth Edition, published by PMI®, Inc., 2008. All rights reserved. Materials in this course are published with permission from PMI®. 

Target Audience

Those who are already project managers and want to be certified to have a formal recognition of their skills and experience or others who want to prepare to become accredited project managers.


  • A general understanding of process groups
  • Understand the role that organizational processes and organizational environmental factors play in a project. 
  • Distinguish between examples of project management processes and product-oriented processes.
  • Understand how the independent nature of process groups affects project management.
  • Identify ways in which process groups interact with each other during a project
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Video 00:28:52
Level Introductory

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