Kanban for the benefit of operations - Project management using the Kanban method

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Explore the Kanban strategies for meeting project deadlines, the basic practices used in Kanban, the terms and objectives that are essential for the successful implementation of Kanban for operations, and the key elements of Kanban for project management. Learn how to track and forecast projects using Kanban and how Waterfall teams can move to Kanban. Key concepts in this 18-video course include Kanban history and strategies to help IT operations teams meet project deadlines; the Kanban elements that are used to manage project execution and how Kanban enables the visualization of the value stream and ensures a stable flow of DevOps practices. You will learn how to create Kanban panels and configure columns to monitor project activity and implement continuous work delivery; use the Kanban approach to demonstrate Agile delivery optimization parameters; set up Kanban panels and view the flow of team work stages. You will then learn to set the limits of the ongoing activity (WIP) to restrict it, while using Kanban projects; apply Kanban approaches in managing DevOps practices; and learn the quality control and continuous improvement processes that apply in Kanban.



  • Discover the key concepts discussed in this course
  • Recall the history of Kanban and recognize Kanban strategies to help IT operations teams meet project deadlines
  • Describe the basic principles and practices of Kanban
  • Recognize the key terms and objectives that are essential for the successful implementation of Kanban for operations
  • description of Kanban elements used to manage project execution, with a focus on role, priority setting, blocking and feedback
  • description of project tracking and forecasting techniques in Kanban project management
  • description of how Kanban enables value flow visualization and ensures a stable flow of DevOps practices
  • reminiscent of the approaches that Waterfall teams can use to move to Kanban practices
  • creating Kanban projects and configuring them to set priorities and view workflows
  • en project management tools that can be used to implement Kanban, to manage value flows in project implementations
  • create Kanban panels and configure columns to monitor project activity and implement continuous delivery
  • enumerate important parameters of Kanban panel for tracking and measuring progress and optimizing productivity
  • using the Kanban project management approach to demonstrate Agile parameters for optimizing deliveries
  • creating and configuring Kanban panels and workflow visualization to map team workflow stages
  • setting WIP limits to restricts ongoing work while using Kanban projects
  • Applying Kanban approaches to manage DevOps practices for a productive DevOps team with a focus on work in progress, value flow mapping and e working elements
  • description of the quality control and continuous improvement processes that apply in Kanban
  • brief presentation of the key concepts discussed in this course
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Video 01:21:53
Level Introductory

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