Critical thinking - how to draw conclusions with confidence

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Drawing conclusions is an appropriate expression, as the conclusion – when we think critically – often involves the graphical representation of the data and their visualization. When drawing conclusions, analyze and weigh the data, information, and sources you have to support action. Even if you have checked the assumptions and evaluated a wide range of arguments related to a problem – you have to come to a conclusion anyway. A good conclusion is based on sorting through and from data, getting criticism from others, and extracting / illustrating it in a way that others can understand. In this course, you will analyze the process of drawing a conclusion from the perspective of its logical components. You will also learn about using questions and diagramming tools to help you in this process.



  • Recognize the critical thinking activities associated with reaching a solid conclusion
  • Recognize effective questions to double-check conclusions
  • Use tools to draw conclusions
  • Recognize the essentials of an action plan associated with a careful conclusion
  • Draw conclusions solid
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Video 00:20:44
Level Introductory

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