Critical thinking - how we come to terms with assumptions

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Assumptions are needed to help us make sense of our world. Often, we are not even aware that we are making assumptions. What differentiates critical thinkers is that they are able to identify the assumptions they make themselves and others and take action to find out if these assumptions are justified by evidence. They also check to see what others think, before embarking on a path of thoughts that lead through the effect of the snowball to an erroneous conclusion. Assumptions can stand in the way of a rational, critical way of thinking and without the influence of emotions. We cannot eliminate all assumptions, but we can strive to accept them, understanding that they are a natural, sometimes useful, but often problematic part of our thinking process. This course defines assumptions, describes how different types of assumptions can be properly challenged, and covers the importance of soliciting other people’s perspectives as a check on one’s own assumptions.



  • to use question lines to identify and verify assumptions
  • to distinguish between relevant facts and opinions
  • to solicit the opinions of others in the management of assumptions
  • to recognize and challenge assumptions appropriately
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Video 00:17:56
Level Introductory

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