Facilitating Business-IT collaboration and strategic alignment

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.

Overview Successful business-IT alignment is rapidly gaining in importance. In today’s business world, technological and digital innovation is constantly changing the rules for running a successful business. To be successful in this environment, businesses need a digital transformation strategy that encourages the alignment of business and IT functions. They can then use multifunctional teams to adapt effectively to changes and technological opportunities. In this course, you will learn about effective business and IT collaboration. You will also explore critical concepts, processes and good practices to establish and support effective strategic alignment and avoid the common obstacles to these initiatives. You will also explore how you can support success towards real digital transformation. Objectives • Identify the key benefits of aligning business and IT strategy • Recognize key elements of the ACME framework • Identify the organizational components needed for real business and IT alignment • Order the steps in the strategic alignment process • Recognize strategies to avoid common barriers to initiatives Strategic Alignment • Identify good practices for continuing and sustaining successful alignment between business and IT

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Video 00:22:02
Level Introductory

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