Finding effective solutions through computational thinking

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


The power of computers to quickly perform incredibly complex calculations has revolutionized the way organizations solve their problems. Indeed, the use of computational thinking in conjunction with human intelligence can reveal the full power of a company’s problem-solving abilities. In this course, you will learn the characteristics of computational thinking, including the expression of problems, as well as its basic techniques such as decomposition and pattern recognition. You will also learn how abstraction is used in logical problem solving to develop algorithms that create and evaluate business solutions.



• Identify the characteristics of computational thinking

• Identify how to achieve decomposition in computational thinking

• Recognize patterns of pattern recognition in computational thinking

• Identify techniques for using abstraction in computational thinking

• Recognize an appropriately executed process

• Develop an algorithm methods for evaluating the efficiency of solutions in computational thinking

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Video 00:23:44
Level Introductory

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