Exploring the relationship between UI design and UX design

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.

Overview Easy-to-use applications by users are more than just an attractive user interface (UI). They ensure that the user experience (UX) is enjoyable. People expect to interact with a digital product, a smartphone, laptop or tablet, to be a pleasant, hassle-free experience. By understanding the relationship between UI and UX, your company can provide this. In this course, you will explore IU / UX design and how together it results in user-friendly applications with effective user interface design. You will learn about the main design trends and the principles of UX and IU. At the end of the day, you’ll find out how to evaluate the emotional impact of the user experience. Objectives • Recognize the differences and similarities of UI and UX in the design of products and services • Identify the main focus areas associated with UX design • Identify the main focus areas associated with UI design on a project • Recognize trends in UI / UX design and how are used • recognize the principles for effectively designing the user interface • recognize how to assess the emotional impact of a user experience

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Video 00:23:22
Level Introductory

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