Exploring the customer travel map

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


To understand the different feelings and cognitive processes a customer goes through when collaborating with your organization, you need a tool that can document each stage of their experience. Mapping customer experiences is one such tool and is essential to help you understand customer needs and define the issues highlighted by their experiences. In this course, you’ll learn how to create a customer experience map, a customer-centric troubleshooting tool that can help you brainstorm to identify effective solutions to key customer problems. You will also explore how to recognize and prioritize specific actions to improve customer focus and avoid common mapping mistakes.



• Identify the benefits of mapping customer experiences

• Describe how to create a team to create a customer experience map

• Identify the steps in drawing up a customer experience map

• Identify the steps to update and finalize the customer experience map

• Identify the factors that influence the prioritization of actions customer experience map • recognize how to avoid common mistakes in mapping customer experiences

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Video 00:23:19
Level Introductory

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