Evaluate work-life balance

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


People with a healthy balance between professional and personal activities are satisfied with both. These people can fulfill their multiple family responsibilities at home, as well as community commitments without guilt or regret. These people are physically, emotionally and socially healthy. These people do not work too hard. In fact, I feel in control of my life and I feel that the decisions I make are informed.

In this course, you will learn how to spot the imbalances between professional and personal activities and how to achieve a healthy compromise between them. You will also assess the balance between professional and personal activities in order to overcome internal and external obstacles to achieving harmony.



  • Recognize the common symptoms of an unbalanced life
  • Recognize the benefits of achieving a work-life balance
  • Identify the elements of analysis when assessing work-life balance
  • Identify the elements of a work-life balance technique
  • Identify examples of internal and external obstacles
  • Overcoming an external obstacle in a certain scenario
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Video 00:17:23
Level Introductory

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