How to keep your balance in a changing world

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Achieving the right balance between work and personal activities gives you the opportunity to practice self-care and care about what is important in all aspects of your life. Maintaining this balance between work and personal activities requires constant vigilance.

This course focuses on stress management techniques and recognizing behaviors such as passivity, aggression and assertiveness, and how they affect your ability to find balance in your life. It also discusses techniques that can be used to achieve and maintain balance. Materials designed to support the combined learning activities aligned with this course are available on the Resources Page.


  • Identify the benefit of simplifying life
  • Recognize the actions you can take to simplify your life
  • Distinguish between examples of passive, aggressive, and assertive behavior
  • Identify appropriate responses to excessive demands by assertively setting boundaries in a given scenario
  • Recognize how to reformulate a situation
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Video 00:13:36
Level Introductory

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