How to become a successful collaborator

DB Academy
12 Students enrolled
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


When organizations hire, one of the first skills they look for in a candidate is the ability to collaborate. Today’s recruiters know that collaboration leads to improved problem solving, increased productivity, and facilitates the exchange of expertise and learning between increasingly interconnected team members. Defining collaboration is difficult because it means different things between industries, departments and roles. In this course you will learn about collaboration, the concept of collaborative teaming, and best practices for being a good team member and being a successful collaborator. You’ll examine conflict management styles to determine which one is yours, and what impact it has on the team.



• to apply the techniques that make you a successful collaborator

• to identify the characteristics of the collaboration

• to recognize the characteristics that help you to be a better collaborator

• to recognize the characteristics of the best team players

• to identify the teaming characteristics

• to recognize the different work styles

• knowledge verification: to become a successful collaborator

Course details
Video 00:28:44
Level Introductory

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