Persuasive communication through social media

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Social networks are one of the most important technologies that companies can use to attract, connect with, and retain customers. If you want to meet customers, you need to use this technology. In this course, you will learn why social networking is such an important persuasion tool for companies. You will explore the way in which companies use social networks today as an essential component of a persuasive communication strategy. You’ll also learn how to analyze your organization’s social networking channels and marketing strategies to strengthen and maintain your customer relationship.



• Identify the factors that make social networking desirable as a persuasive communication channel

• Recognize the importance of conducting an audit of your organization’s social networking channels before launching new campaigns

• Identify your social media strategy as a benchmark to understand how to move more effectively

• Identify recommendations and strategies to ensure that your organization’s online identity is presented in a positive way

• Recognize social networking tools that can be used instead or to increase Traditional search engine marketing strategies

• Identify some of the challenges and risks associated with using social media platforms as part of your organization’s persuasive communication strategy.

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Video 00:22:42
Level Introductory

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