Building a Design Thinking Culture

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


The main goals of your organization’s product or service are to help your customers achieve a specific goal or to solve a problem. This is where the concept of Design Thinking comes in. Design Thinking is a customer-oriented approach to determining how best to meet customer needs. In this course, you will explore ways to develop customer orientation to define issues. You will explore Design Thinking strategies, including how to reformulate issues, how to brainstorm to identify solutions, and when to use prototypes. You will also identify best practices for testing users, as well as for collecting and reviewing feedback to ensure effective problem solving.



• Identify the features of Design Thinking

• Recognize ways to see through the eyes of customers

• Identify steps to reformulate a problem

• Describe the elements of customer-oriented brainstorming

• Identify the uses of prototypes

• Identify good practices for testing users

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Video 00:23:13
Level Introductory

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