Time and productivity management Courses & Trainings





Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Despite the regular search for ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview No matter how much experience y...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Anyone could benefit from incre...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Postponement can be a major obs...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview You may have a strong sense of ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview We all have individual talents ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview No one can extend the time, no ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Do you sometimes feel that you ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Even if you know what is import...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Postponing reduces your product...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview The time you have is always the...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview A full personal life has a dire...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Strong self-confidence is essen...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview You don’t have to manage ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Organizing your physical and di...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Achieving consistent goals and ...
Time and productivity management
Important to know: The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian. Overview Solving situations with a high ...

Time Management Skills
  Time is the most valuable thing in the world. It is something that cannot be brought back, and unfortunately, we all take it for granted. Most people finally comprehend the actual value and importance of the time when they start working at a busy and complex job with too many tasks.
  Time is extra essential in the workplace because most workplaces are hectic and overwhelming. It is not an ideal situation, of course, but usually, the more people who work in an office, the more overwhelming it becomes. When there are too many stakeholders, there is always a huge risk of not being able to meet the deadlines.
  Since there are only 24 hours in one day and no one should be working more hours than they are paid for, the only way to release this tension and overwhelming atmosphere in the workplace is time management. 
  Time management is a real skill and requires a serious learning process, training and practicing. Only after that kind of process can people be able to manage their time. Unlike what most people believe, it is not a talent, it is something teachable and only a very few lucky people can manage to do it naturally.

  If you want to manage your time and use it efficiently, especially in the workplace, the first thing you have to learn is how to prioritize. Your co-workers and supervisors will always say that the task they want you to do is extremely important and must be done in no time. But that is not true, and not realistic in any way. 
  Prioritizing is a very personal process. Yes, some tasks may be more important for certain departments and co-workers but it is also about your situation, your mood, your tiredness level and your talents. That’s why everyone’s time management method is different.
  Let’s assume you have some tasks before you. By logic, you should prioritize them by putting the most important and urgent ones to the front and pushing the non-urgent ones to the back. That is a huge mistake. If you complete urgent ones consecutively, you might feel burnout not so long after.
  Pleasing everyone is impossible, and as we said above, not everything is urgent. The best course of action while prioritizing is to seek balance and apply that to your tasks. Yes, most tasks are important and should be completed before the deadline. But your well-being is also very important and you have to consider that too. 
  Learning to say no is also a big part of prioritizing. In the workplace, many co-workers and clients will demand new tasks from you. If it is not doable and if their expectations and deadlines are not realistic, do not be afraid to tell them so. 

  Goal Setting
  This is another crucial skill that should be gained as early as possible to survive in the workplace and build a successful career path. Goal setting is not just a skill you need in your career, it is a very useful skill in your personal life too. 
  Goal setting is important because once you know your true goals, the unimportant and unnecessary stuff will not be on your mind all the time anymore. This will help you to focus on your goals and your chances of achieving them will rise considerably.
  Goal setting is an incredible skill and helps you to manage your time effectively. But there are some details you need to take care of before setting your goals. Your goals must be realistic and attainable. Your goal can’t be to become the CEO in just a few years after you start to work at a company.
  They should also be time bound. If you don’t set a deadline for yourself for the goal, you simply cannot effectively work toward it. You should also be realistic with your deadlines. But after you put that deadline, managing your time will become so much easier.
  Goal setting is related to prioritizing. The goals you set should be the most important things in front of you. If your goal is to complete as many tasks as possible by the end of the week so that you can have a relaxing vacation, the next week is a good example.

  Unfortunately, the most difficult part of time management is multitasking. It’s the kind of skill most people struggle to gain, and you may have to spend some time and try a few different ways to do it.
  Multitasking saves a tremendous amount of time; that’s why it’s a sought-after soft skill by employers. To become a good multitasker, you have to hone your focusing skills. If you are able to focus on the task you are working on at that moment and quickly change your focus when you change tasks, you are a good candidate for being a successful multitasker.

  Monitoring Your Progress
  Progress monitoring is an excellent skill for managing your time. If you are too focused on completing the tasks, you may never know how much you have accomplished and how much effort you have put in.
  You should be closely monitoring your progress. Because sometimes, even though you work hard and long, the end result can not be the one that you expected. This can have different reasons. Maybe the method you are applying is not the right one. Maybe you should be using another kind of tool. No matter what the reason is, if you monitor your progress closely, you can notice that the progress does not proceed as you like and change methods early on. That’s why progress monitoring is crucial.
  Monitoring your progress can help you notice if you are ahead of the schedule or falling behind. If you monitor your progress regularly, you can finish your tasks even more quickly.
  All of these skills are closely knitted and related to each other. To manage time effectively and professionally, you need to be able to be good at all of them and the only way to do so is learning from professionals and trying to incorporate them into your daily and work lives.  


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