Stimulating personal and team creativity

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Believe it or not, all people have the potential to be creative. If you have difficulty expressing your creativity, this means that you have an obstacle. The good news is that these obstacles can be overcome. At work it can be particularly difficult for employees to express themselves freely and interact in teams. However, with the right approach and techniques, team leaders can ensure a safe space for all employees to share and contribute ideas. This course describes personal obstacles to creativity and how to overcome them. The course presents strategies for improving creativity in the workplace. In addition, it describes the main requirements for promoting creativity in a professional environment. It also explores techniques for stimulating creativity in teams, including brainstorming and role-playing games.



Stimulate personal creativity and maximize team creative results


Target audience

Team leaders and any employee who wants to creatively develop viable business ideas

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Video 00:24:48
Level Introductory

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