The challenge of virtual teams

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


Virtual teams may face the same difficulties as other teams, but may also face specific difficulties. In this course, you will learn how to deal with the difficulties your team may face and how to assess your own style. Target group Managers who lead teams made up of employees from other locations or a combination of employees working on site and employees from other locations



  • recapitulating tactics to ensure management of team members on site and from other locations
  • listing multi-time team management tactics
  • identifying strategies to ensure respectful treatment of all members of a diverse team
  • naming approaches to avoiding and managing conflicts between remote team members
  • implementing strategies overcoming the communication difficulties faced by a geographically diverse team
  • recognizing the importance of reflecting your management approach
  • recognizing strategies for solving the typical difficulties faced by mixed or working teams responds remotely
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Video 00:18:50
Level Introductory

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