The delegation process

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


We’ve all had the experience of asking someone to do something and not get any results or get unexpected or poor results. Usually the main cause of these situations is that the person who assigned the task did not clarify what was needed, by whom it had to be done, until when and how, as well as the allocation of an insufficient period of time. In this course, you will learn the factors that you need to consider when planning a delegation to pass on to the delegate. You will receive guidelines on what to communicate and how. You will also learn about the importance of clarifying the level of authority you delegate and making sure that you inform other people who need to know that the delegate is working on that task with your support.



  • consider the factors key when preparing to delegate a task
  • estimate the likely consequences of a person’s approach to communicating a task to a delegate
  • recognize how to communicate instructions on a task requirement appropriately
  • recognize the need to empower the delegate
  • Launch a successful delegation
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Video 00:16:52
Level Introductory

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