Centered Negotiation - Are You Ready?

DB Academy
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Important to know:
The course video is English with Romanian subtitles and test questions are in Romanian.


People often perceive negotiation as a matter of maintaining a firm “position” and involvement in a “fight against the odgon.” But adopting “positions” involves an emotional / ego component that inevitably leads to a deadlock in negotiation. Instead, it is recommended to focus on the issue at hand and learn strategies to communicate effectively and to avoid falling into the trap of taking “positions”. It takes the right mindset, essential communication skills and a set of strategy tools to skillfully deal with all the subterfuges that the other party is trying to use on you. This course will teach you how to stop playing … and stop being manipulated.



  • Choose approaches that will help you prepare for a successful negotiation
  • Recognize the impact of various communication practices on the negotiation
  • Recognize best practices in the negotiation
  • Respond effectively to the other party’s subterfuges or challenges
  • Apply best practices during a negotiation
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Video 00:23:21
Level Introductory

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